DNA and Sequencing
By end of 2020 DSMZ operates several next generation sequencers (NGS) with respect to the central research questions, mainly sequencing of complete genomes, metagenomics and epidemiology of bacteria and viruses. A strong focus with respect to long read technologies (read lengths >10 kb) is addressed by a PacBio Sequel IIe instrument, upgraded last in December 2020 for HiFi Sequencing (>99% long read accuracy). Hereby, high molecular weight genomic DNA as prerequisite for long read sequencing is consequently monitored on an Agilent Femto Pulse system.
With respect to short read sequencing two Illumina sequencers are operated, the Illumina MiSeq with access to reads of 2 x 300 bp and the mid throughput Illumina NextSeq 2000 (since 2020) for V3 amplicon, metagenome, human genome and virus sequencing.
The DNA and Sequencing Laboratory contributes to 16S-based identification and services with Sanger 16S sequencing on an ABI Genetic Analyzer XL3500. Furthermore, DSMZ’s DNA bank is run.