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Analysis of peptidoglycan structure

Analysis of the peptidoglycan structure is a requirement for describing novel genera of Gram-stain positive bacteria. At least the amino acid composition should be provided for novel Gram-stain positive species (Tindall et al., 2010).
Depending on the complexity of the peptidoglycan structure, the elucidation may be time-consuming as different derivatization procedures and analytical techniques (LC/MS and GC/MS) may become necessary. A complete elucidation of hitherto unknown peptidoglycan structures by the DSMZ Service department is not always possible.

Required material: 3-4 g wet biomass (centrifugal pellet) sent either in frozen state on dry ice or, alternatively, suspended in isopropanol at ambient temperature. Important: Biomass must be harvested before sporulation or autolysis. Lyophilized cells are suboptimal but can also be sent in the amount corresponding to 4 g wet biomass. Information on the genus affiliation of the strain under study is helpful for the selection of appropriate techniques and standards.

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  1. Schumann, P. (2011). Peptidoglycan structure. Methods Microbiol 38, 101-129.
  2. Tindall, B. J., Rosselló-Móra, R., Busse, H.-J., Ludwig, W. & Kämpfer, P. (2010 ). Notes on the characterization of prokaryote strains for taxonomic purposes. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60, 249-266. 
  3. Schleifer, K. H. (1985). Analysis of the chemical composition and primary structure of murein. Methods Microbiol 18, 123-156.
  4. Schleifer, K. H. & Kandler, O. (1972). Peptidoglycan types of bacterial cell walls and their taxonomic implications. Bacteriol Rev 36, 407-77.